Placement sevices
Much of what we do is based on networking. As a resulte we have created a little black book of sneior level people that may be looking for their next great opportunity. Are you in the need of a C level person, or a direct report to a C level person. Then you have come to the right place. We can connect you with some of the top people in the industry for free!!! Yes we do not take a few for this networking service. However if you are looking for a full service placement agency that we can connect you to one of those as well

How do you know if someone is good?
At My cXo we spend a lot of time calling on subject matter experts to ensure the solution we are providing is the best one for your orginization. As a result we come across all types of resources. We don't activley recqurite but if you need someone and we know someone we are happy to connect you. We woudlnt reccomend them if we don't beleive in them, so hopefully our reccommendation will help you build your new team.